Today marks the last day of the OPRAH WINFREY SHOW..the show has graced our televisions for 25 years. Oprah has paved the way for many women of all backgrounds, professions, ethnicities, and etc.Although, this is her last time stepping on the stage that made her famous, we all know that this is not and will not be the last time we hear from her.

The Queen of Media has helped us all to believe in ourselves, our dreams, and she taught us that our struggles help us to become who we are. Therefore, we should never be ashamed of who we are. Nor should we ever be of ashame of things we have gone through. She taught women  and men life lessons about how to handle and deal with the effects and lingering feelings of abuse. She taught us to take care of ourselves by excerising, eating right, living right, and most of all not to fear a trip to the doctor. She taught us that prevention and diagnosis are always in our best interest when treating or dealing with any medical situation. I could continue to speak on everything, but then this blog would be absolutely too long.

This season of Oprah has been a season of intimacy. Oprah used her time to reflect the previous seasons leading to this moment. We all have known for a while that this would undoubtedly be her last season, but now that the time is here I feel somewhat like, "now what?" Oprah is always interesting. As an interviewer she could almost, always conjour up answers from the hottest stars to date; getting them to answer some of the toughest questions. The questions that many interviewers could never get an answer to. Do you remember when she got Jennifer Hudson to finally give us an answer on how much weight she really lost with Weight Watchers? (IF NOT SHE SAID IT WAS 80LBS. TO BE EXACT)

The Season Finale, is finally here and many are wondering what could this last show be about? Who is the special guest? Is Oprah going to give away something or surprise us? The answer is no. The show will consist of Oprah reflecting with her audienc different things that happened throughout her reign.

"Today there will be no guests, there will be no makeovers or surprises…You will not be getting a car or a tree. This last hour is really about me saying thank you. It is my love letter to you. I want to leave you all with the lessons that have been the anchor for my life and the ones that I hold most precious."
 "It has been a privilege for me to speak to you here. You let me into your homes to talk to you everyday. This is what you allowed me to do, and I thank you for that. But what I want you to know is each of you has your own platform. Do not let the trappings here fool you. Mine is a stage on a studio. Wherever you are, that is your platform, your stage, your circle of influence. That is your talk show and that is where your power lies. Everybody has a calling, mine aligned with my profession, my job. Not everybody gets paid for it, but everybody gets called…My great wish for all of you who've allowed me to honor my calling is you carry whatever you're supposed to be doing forward. Don't waste anymore time. Use your light to serve the world."--OPRAH

Take a look at this sneak peek of Oprah's Winfrey..Season Finale!
