Words of Wisdom..Death is Like a Thief

Walking up Heaven's Staircase

Death has hit my family once again. This time a 29 year old young woman was taken. It is so hard to understand how someone so young, sweet, and cool could be taken so soon. It is hard to understand when death continues to come like a thief in the night and steal those that we care so deeply about. I think God has a master plan. (Like always) I detest when I notice such things as complaining, questioning, and misunderstandings of God and His works. Seriously, it is hard to go through losing a love one, but ultimately who are we? Are we not the ones that we should worry about the most, since we are still living? Are we not the ones that should take valuable lessons from each of his mysterious actions even when things affect us indirectly or directly?

Life is always uncertain, that is why we have to rely on God. Not our mothers, like young children do. As we grow older God is certainly trying to tell us or at least he has always reminded me as I've grown older that I do not answer to my mom anymore. I answer to Him. He knows all about me he knew about me before I entered this world. He knew what Iwould be and what I would become when He perfectly placed me inside my mother's womb. I say that because sometimes we complain about what we experience when in fact we should rejoice. We cry when a child is brought into this world because we know that this world is cruel and full of pain. We rejoice, give thanks, mourn, and grieve when a love one is taken. Ultimately we should celebrate the homegoing of the ones we love the most. Why? The person is now in the hands THE CREATOR. The race has been endured and Our wonderful Father calls home his precious angels eagerly awaiting thier arrivals.

Life does give us so much to think about. I think about death all the time, but I don't let it just make me stop! For when death is presented have you ever noticed that nothing in the world stops. People still go on. I say that because death is a normal part of life. Although, we hurt God knows all about it, but don't you know he loves us more than anybody we could ever come in contact with, will ever love us. He already knows the date, the time,the hour, and the minute that He will call us home. That is why it is ultimately up to us to always stay ready. Please understand that I'm not stating don't cry he understands why we cry and he understands why we mourn, BUT think about it..He only lets us borrow our love ones and one day he wants us all back.

To my family, please understand that although, we are in trying seasons God has not and will not turn His back on either of us. He will only guide us and shows us they way..if we seek His ways. Remember: He is a just God; a good God. He will never put more on us than we can bear. I love him and I know that I too don't understand everything, but everytime something happens as tragic as death; He places words of wisdom on my heart to share with each of you. I hope each of you can help me celebrate the wonderful life my cousin lived. I loved her spirit. She was always sweet and nice to everyone. No one was a stranger to her. I am taking away with me forever to live as she did sweet and full of life. Rest in Peace..my love! Although, God has called you home you will forever and always live inside our hearts. Thank you for being apart of our lives and we will never forget you.

I guess I am able to look at death for what it is because of my experiences with death through my family. I urge everyone to not question God and do not lean to your own understanding, lean to his. Everything works for the good of those that love the Lord. I strongly urged each of you to know him for yourself. Please do not fake it, for you are only doing yourself a diservice. Know Him so that when you do die people are inspired to get to Him due to the way they have seen you live your life.
