While it is understood that we are a democratic country;  a country that stands for equal rights, equal opportunity, freedom of speech, and lastly, freedom of religion. We can understand why the Islamic nation would like Mosque's built, but to have one built at GROUND ZERO, what is the logic behind that? Check out President Obama's press conference as he responds to the highly publicized disagreement between he, the victims and survivors of 911, as well as, to the Islamic nation.

 Now, I love President Barack Obama, but on this one issue I stand firm with many when I say," NO, I DONT THINK SO!" Now let me explain, 911 was one of the most turbulent times in our history. It was a terroristic attack that changed everyone's lives forever. Even you! Think about it, we can not go into the airport freely like we did before. Citizen or no citizen we are told to take off our shoes, limit what we take onto the aircraft, due to the trajedy of 911. People died and lost their lives due to Islamic beliefs. If you remember well, it was on that day that many Muslims praised what happened to the World Trade Center.  Check out the video below as citizen's give their reasons and justifications to "JUST SAY NO!" What do you think about this controversial issue that is causing an up roar from many?

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