"I want my life back!" Those are the powerful words spoken by BP's C.E.O. Tony Hayward. Well, now its beginning to go his way. According to the Associated Press, the head huncho's wish is about to come true. Tomorrow BP will make the announcement that he will be leaving in October. Today the board of trustee will meet in London to discuss Hayward's departure. Hayward has been under fire lately because he mishandled the spill and he also misinformed Congress about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Sources are expecting Bob Dudley to take over Hayward's responsiblities. Dudley, the managing director of the BP oil spill will become the first American to serve as the C.E.O. of BP.No need to worry, you do know that Hayward is not walking away empty handed...(duh!)He will depart with $18 million and he was also offered a job with TNK-BP, which is BP's joint venture in Russia. Wow..this is very surprising huh? (fingers crossed)
