Life's Little Lessons

The devil is always busy! As you continue on  in life, this statement only deems factual as time progress. I have learned so much about life, about love, and God. It's funny because growing up in church I always paid very close attention to my pastor, my Sunday school teachers, my Baptist Training Union teachers, and all the members of the church that helped me along the way. We learned so much about God. We learned so much about His son. It's funny when you are a child you learn, but as you grow older you are living and learning.

As a child I had to mature and age to deciper what I had been taught. As I have grown into an adult I have had to apply what I was taught. Which makes it so much easier to understand simply, why Jesus loves me. I remember sitting in the pew and Pastor Franks (my pastor at the time) he said, "He's a mother when your motherless, father when your fatherless, brother when you are brotherless..." As he continued on at the age of 8, I looked around and I witness how those words alone, made the congregration shout to their feet. I remember vividly, seeing this one woman who was sitting right beside her mom, shout.

I thought to myself and I asked God, I said why would she be shouting her mom is sitting right next to her. Well, as I begin to grow up and experience life that question began to surface once again, but this time it was God reminding me. He was reminding me of the very question I had asked him, years ago. Life is so full of amazing experiences. It is full of ups and downs, but what I love the most about life is that God did not put us here to be alone. My God is a Great God. He is the best man. He loves each of us so much. More than we will ever know.  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 King James Version

Today was just one of those days, that I wanted to remind you to go into your closet and give God some time pray to Him. He loves when we get alone and we center ourselves in Him. Pray and testify to yourself, remind yourself every now and then where you came from. Let the Lord continue to guide you. Life only gets harder and harder. I promise. I just told myself last week that I had mastered the devil, but he is so decietful and ugly that I just can not keep up with him all by myself. So when I begin to feel the pressures of this cruel world, I call on Jesus. Have you tried Him?

I will leave you with my favorite song at the moment. I watched Le'Andria Johnson sing this song at the Gospel Heritage Month Celebration in Houston, Texas and this song has been my favorite every since. I wanted to share it with you today.
Le'Andria Johnson - "Jesus" Official Lyric Video (Gospel)
