Calling all Parents: Should Parents Worry About Their Kids Weight?

I have been hearing lots of buzz, positive and negative over the Child Nutrition Bill. Should parents worry about their kids weight? Is this a conversation worth starting?  My answer to that is, yes. Parents although weight is a touchy subject, health is the main concern. Why do we continue to do uphold the things that hurt us. Foods are just as dangerous as any other toxic item you may put in your body. I am not a parent, but if I was would I speak to my child about their weight. I would like to think that I would always want the best for my child. Parents take the iniative to look inside you, First Lady Michelle Obama was speaking to the parents due to the health crisis of children in America. As a parent are you not responsible for what you bring in and out of your house as a healthy food choice for your child? I am well aware of the fact that some families are low income and may not be able to afford certain foods, but this is where I think the plan comes in handy. Children spend most of their day at school. Many eat breakfast and lunch at school, right? So why not incorporate better eating habits. Remember, this is cliche, but it's the truth: Children are our future..without them there is no future. Some states like Mississippi are in dire need of  a new nutrition plan. Obesity is at an all time high. What is your take on the subject? I have included a video that presents facts on why this subject must be addressed...Check it out!!
