Basketball Wives a show produced and created by Shaunie O'Neal, the ex-wife of Clevland Cavaliers forward Shaquille O'Neal. The show was created to give people insight on what is like to be the wife of an NBA player. It was on this show that we were introduced to Gloria Govan the wife of Orlando Magic's star Matt Barnes. Govan was known as the "black sheep" to the women, considering the fact that she was the only one that had the "ideal relationship," at least in her eyes. The women of the show labeled her "naive" when it came to her relationship.

A few weeks back the internet was flooded with rumours that the two had split. Now Gloria has taken to Vibe magazine, the same magazine she spoke with when she labeled the women of the show as "being jealous of what she and Matt shared." A wedding was supposed to take place on August 21st in Santa Barbara, but was cancelled. Last season Govan announced that she would not be returning to another season of Basketball Wives, but has now confirmed that she will indeed be apart of Season 2 Basketball Wives, but only under certain conditons.Check out this excerpt of  Gloria's interview with VIBE.....

Gloria on Why They Decided To Cancel The Wedding

Matt and I feel like marriage is something that shouldn’t be rushed into. It wasn’t any outside party. We’re committed and dedicated to working on our relationship and we’re still together but again, we felt like this wasn’t something that was in our hearts at the time. Marriage is something that is definitely our goal but again, we’re not rushing into something that we just feel like isn’t right for us at the time so we’re just taking the time to work on our family.

Gloria on the rumors surrounding the wedding

I think because we postponed the wedding, people just took it and ran with that and started challenging each other to see who can come up with the most ridiculous story. I think that’s how it started. I know Matt had let his groomsmen know as I had let a lot of my family members know that we were postponing the wedding, via text message and I think that also sparked a lot of our—one of Matt’s old teammate’s wedding that we were also suppose to be attending [but didn’t]—I think that also sparked a lot of the rumors that got out.

Matt on deciding to return for Season 2

I just think there was a lot of negative but a lot of positive came from it too. Gloria and I sat down and talked and we decided we gotta use the show the way they’re trying to use us. A lot of doors have opened up for her in opportunities that she would like to pursue for a career and a few things have opened up for me as well and with us moving back to LA even more doors are gonna be opened. So we feel that we can use the show the way they’re going to try to use us to get into our lives and our family.

Gloria on what she would like for people to take away from the Second Season

I just want people to know our relationship is never nor will it ever be perfect and that’s ok. I don’t think relationships should be rushed to what outside society wants. When you allow letting people in that’s when it starts to get messy and it becomes more stressful than it has to be. Relationships are tough and you have to work at them. You don’t have to submit yourself to what other people think and how they feel you should be doing in a relationship.

Read more: Matt Barnes & Gloria Govan Talk Cancelled Wedding

V Exclusive: Gloria Govan & Matt Barnes Talk Truth About Cancelled Wedding VIBE
