"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” A true friend to me is one that you do not have to see everyday nor do you have to talk to the person daily. It is one of those relationships that have been nurtured to the point where understanding is first and foremost. In order to be a good friend one must understand what being a friend is. A friend is someone that you can talk to about anything. They know they the REAL you, they know what you love, as well, as what you hate. A true friend does not have to speak to you on the phone with you all the times, it is undoubtedly understood that when the two of you do talk again, you will more than likely start where you left off.
Some of my best friends see me and some don't. Some of my friends and I may not talk until the Summer when their schedules permit, but no matter what we are still true friends. Time is everything! You must let the years, months, days, minutes, hours, and seasons take their course. Meaning yes at some points you disagree, but you agree to disagree. One thing I love about my friends is that I put my friends in categories and they know it, of course they know I love them too. They all serve a different purpose in my life. For example, I have a friend that I go shopping with. This person loves to dress, she is like the personal stylists I always wish I had.Then there's the smart friend, this friend is so intelligent that to be in her presence is beautiful enough. You will always learn something new. Then there's the best friend that knows everything about everything; guys, girls, friends, whatever question you have this person has the answers. She only has all the answers because she has experienced more. I advised people to befriend an older person because sometimes their life experiences have made them wiser and you almost always walk away with wiser than you were when you arrived. Very important fact: When I was growing up my pastor always spoke about how he hanged with older pastors to learn. They inspired him to grow. No matter what all my true friends still share common ground..they have my back and I have theirs also. We cry, laugh, and we share our fears with each other. Please note that no matter what, a true friendship always stands the measure of times and test.
Life is not easy, so why not surround yourself with people that make living a little more peaceful. Positive energies are what all my friends possess and no matter what life throws us we encourage each other to do what is right, what we've been taught, and most important to stay true to who we are and Who's we are.( Meaning God) A true friendship epitomizes the very meaning of friendship and the extremes a strong bond can exemplify when two people stay true to themselves as well as to each other. The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart,” Elizabeth Foley.
